SwitchA control that allows the user to toggle between checked and not checked.
The Switch component provides a toggleable control with support for controlled and disabled states. Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
import { Switch } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

<Switch checked={true} />
The Switch component accepts the following props:
  • checked: The controlled checked state of the switch (boolean)
  • defaultChecked: The default checked state when uncontrolled (boolean)
  • onCheckedChange: Event handler called when the checked state changes (function)
  • disabled: When true, prevents the user from interacting with the switch (boolean)
  • required: When true, indicates that the user must check the switch (boolean)
  • id: A unique identifier for the switch (string)
The Switch component supports various states to handle different interaction scenarios.
Add labels to provide context for your switches.
Use the Switch component in a controlled manner to manage its state externally.
The Switch component follows WAI-ARIA guidelines for toggle buttons:
  • Uses proper ARIA attributes (aria-checked, aria-required, aria-label)
  • Supports keyboard navigation (Space and Enter to toggle)
  • Includes proper labeling and description support
  • Changes cursor to 'not-allowed' when disabled
  • Associates labels with the switch using htmlFor